Technology has evolved and grown rapidly. This is the reason why accessing information, or even the communication of people has developed so rapidly in the last few years. Geipsrud (2010) states that media’s today has decided to become a part of everyday life's whether waking up, while traveling, doing activities or until bedtime. So it shows that the media is with us in every situation, since morning to evening. Druze (2012) supported Geipsrud's point by comparing life with media like "a fish to water" but that does not mean our lives are controlled by the media. It merely implies that media will always be with our life. It can be seen that media is not just a part that is all around, but also as a medium of effect on commonwealth in various fields. Nowadays people are using the media to link with everything, everywhere and every time (Deuze, 2012). According to Siapera (2012), understanding social media does not take into the technology or classification only, but also for the understanding of social change as well (Siapera, 2012, p.2). There is basically admitted that social media is an important part of life that can affect the development of all aspects whether in terms of human’s lifestyle or in respect of business. It would seem that the advancement of communication can affect social and cultural change at the current time. This essay will first describe the definition and characteristic of social media which including consider the development. Finally, it will demonstrate both the profitability and regulation affect to social media on society and culture in daily life. There are many reasons to use social media as a routine. It could be used as surfing the internet, chatting with others, following the news or even doing business or advertising (Deuze, 2012, p.8). At present, most of people know about 'social media', and many people would think of Facebook, twitter, Instagram or YouTube when social media was mentioned - these are like a signature of social media in the modern era. Thus, it is important to understand the meaning of social media. In the author’s opinion, social media is a new channel of communication based on technology such as the Internet and mobile phone. . Akyol (2013) identifies that social media “is a term used for online tools and web sites that offer a chance for mutual interaction through information, opinions, interesting and sharing”. The definition also proposed by social media defined website (2014) which gives the meaning of social media as the new forms of communication which based on tools a