“Son, we don’t have enough money to pay off this month’s house rent”, said my mom sitting across the table as she looked down at the rent bill. Curiously I asked,” I thought mom and dad are paying off the rent , isn’t it ?, she said,”Look son, I am sorry that I didn’t tell you that I lost my job recently. We will have to leave the property if we don’t pay”. As she was talking to me with tears in her eyes, it was the moment I realized that I haven’t done anything to help my family. I was a useless and unmindful son to them. I suddenly felt this enormous responsibility upon my shoulders. Throughout my entire life, I have been wasting my parents money and their hard work. So I took a challenge against myself to see if I can handle these responsibilities in order to support my family. Life was just getting started for me. Both of my parents worked in a food related restaurant and market. They both worked as Sushi Chefs and made the best and most delicious sushi ever. So I decided to follow their steps and tried to work in a restaurant around where I live. Everyday I would go and look for a work in every restaurant and still came back jobless. But, I didn’t give up and kept on looking and finally I found this restaurant called Shanghai Bao. It was a Dim Sum restaurant. I talked to the owner of the restaurant and told him about my situation and how I needed money to support my family. He hired me as a dishwasher and waiter. Even though I dislike washing dishes, I took the job I was offered because of my family. When I got home, my parents were very content and appreciative because of my maturity and behavior. However, some part of me still felt very anxious because it would be my very first time working and carrying the same burden as my parents do. Most of the time I had to work as a dishwasher instead of a waiter because the owner said I was underage and lack the ability to perform as a waiter and also to be able