According to the dictionary, compassion is "a sympathetic feeling." The dictionary refers to words such as sorrow and pity. society’s definition of compassion is ‘to suffer together ‘it is defined as the feeling that occurs when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to reveal that suffering together .society definition and he dictionary’s definition of compassion is the same. Compassion is a feeling of emotion, such as feeling empathy for others. Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings of others. When lots of people are going through similar situations they tend to come together to feel compassion for one another to get through the problems. When a natural disaster occurs many people come together because they are all in it together. If anything affects the earth it affects us all as human beings. For instance if a big earth quake occurs every one in the area will feel it and we will all be in it together. In order for us to get through it together we must have compassion for each other when going thought the similarities of life’s natural disasters. Compassion makes people feel good. Compassion makes better parent, friends .and spouses in can also help prevent stress or heart problems. Compassion is a pleasure to self and others. When allot of stress accumulates it can cause overwhelming and sickness. If compassion is felt in the heart it can help reduce these effects making people loving, caring and warm hearted. Sorrow is also an emotion it’s an emotion of sadness or regret. When feeling sad emotions talking to a friend or family can help relate the sorrow being felt and release some coming together and feeling compassion can help people relate and come together to overcome these sad emotions. Not talking about the sorrow can cause allot of pain. It’s better to speak on it so others can also tell what they are feeling and know they are not alone. Pity is