Chinua Achebe’s “The Voter,” and “Dead Men’s Path,” are two beautiful stories, where the writer embroidered the conflicts between the modern and the traditional culture of the society. Roof and Michael Obi are the two main characters of the stories. Michael seems to follow the modern society. On the other hand, Roof respects both the modern and the traditional society. Although there are exquisite similarities in the characters of Roof and Michael Obi, there are also distinctions, which allow each person to stand on his own, and face the problem of the modern and the traditional belief in a different way. By rejecting the traditional value or conforming the norm of both the traditional and modern value, Roof and Obi represent their individuality. Both Michael Obi and Roof face the new challenges of a changing society, with enthusiasm. Michael Obi, who is in his twenties, is the pioneer of the modern society. He has passion for “modern methods” (71). His dream came true much earlier than he expected. He gets a job as headmaster of Ndume Central School because the Mission authorities decided to send a young and energetic man” (70), to lead it. As soon as he gets the job, he starts making plans about the school’s prosperity. He decides to establish a high standard of teaching. He also plans to make the school better place by beautifying it (72). He is ready to dedicate all his time and energy to the school which manifests his enthusiasm. Likewise, Roof is another example of a young and restless person. Even though he has skills for bicycle repairing, he accepts a new challenge as an election campaigner (14). Instead of having fear for a new job, he is optimistic about it. According to the villagers’ point of view, he became, “a real expert” in election campaigning at all levels- village, local government or national” (14). An energetic and enthusiastic mentality helps both Obi and Roof to keep up their good wor