On a snowy December night, a young girl named Jaci went to check the mail on her front porch mailbox. Once she got the mail into her house, she glanced over all the mail but her eyes fixed on a small envelope that was labeled "To the owner of Max". She opened the envelope and the letter pretty much said that her dog was at a hotel named Tracer in Instapolis, an underworld that had many potions and was very big. The letter also said that she would have to come pick him up. Jaci was determined to get her dog back so she took out on a journey to the underworld to find her dog.The journey would take over one year to complete, but Jaci has a boost box to make time fast forward. The boost box brings a magical power for people to fast forward time whenever they need to use it. Of course Jaci is most likely going to use it on her journey when it becomes miserable. Her mom doesn't approve of this long journey because it will take so long, but it is for an important cause. She started on the long journey to the underworld that December night as she started to dig a hole in her backyard. As she was digging with a shovel at first but as her arms got tired she called on her brother to help her dig. Once her brother Ben came to help he was wondering what she was digging the hole for and Jaci answered that she was digging the hole to help her family. Her brother replied and said Jaci please don't get hurt wherever you are going. She replied with a soft okay and the two kept digging the hole. At about four feet of digging, Ben got tired and went back inside to tend to his friends. Outside in the backyard, Jaci was still digging. Once she reached about five feet she thought there was no way that she could dig to the underworld. As Jaci was thinking of a way she could dig faster to get to the underworld quicker, she went into her house and grabbed the boost box. She thought that maybe she could start digging and use the boost box to speed up ger digg