Throughout the history of mankind there has been evidence of various types of prohibition when it comes to freedom of speech. Limiting access to information in order to prevent knowledge or simply censorship is the primary object that people tend to use in describing the press nowadays. Althought restrictions in exposure of the truth are primarily problems of journalism today, the problem lies inside the subject itself, which is battling against becoming industrial, yet staying professional at the same time. Industrial journalism is becoming a major problem in the profession itself, due to its desinformation and posting anti-intelectual articles that have increased rapidly in the past few years. According to Maja Žitinski's article (Novinarstvo kao industrija nasuprot novinarstvu kao profesiji), journalism is non other than an industrial job with the purpose of independently informing the nation. The problem arises from the fact that the industrial should reffer to it as a form of human labor that provides a monthly income, whilst the independent is mistaken with neutrality, and as Žitnski points out, it is one of many of journalism’s contemporary problems due to the fact that many parties wish to arise from others and form their own policy of reporting news. It is well known that journalism coexists with the internet. News portals use emphasys and shocking titles to attract the public and headlines that do not match the content inside the article and surely provide false information written from a subjective view, which is considered highly unprofessional and is often criticized, while the anti-intellectual point alludes celebrity scandals making the front pages. Considering the fact that it is a profession, it should be highly professional and in harmony with its ethical code and democratic function. It has never been easy to live under the ethical code of journalism and remaining highly professional at the same time. The fact is