Life has never been fair. Some of us are born very fortunate while some of us are not. However, it is also up to us to make substantial decisions to a better life. One example is the homeless person in the picture whose story is probably similar to a lot of the homeless people of suburb cities. First of all, what does homelessness means? Homelessness is the state of having to live on the street without any safe place to sleep or stay. But the greater question is, do people choose to be homeless? One thing I learned from educational trips when I was in high school is that homelessness was never a choice for anyone. I think homeless people becomes homeless because they either run away from home or they are forced out of their home. No one wishes to live on the streets but on most cases, leaving home is their last and only option. Homeless people are regular people. They used to live in a house, they either went to school or used to have a job. They are normal people who we might even saw on our way home. The homeless man in the picture is just one representation of many homeless people. They would go scavenging for boxes as replacements for their beds. They might also use it as something to sit on. It is not the best replacement but it’s not like they have any other choice. One thing I noticed though are the words, "handle with care," on the box underneath the bench. Everyone probably knows that when they see the words handle with care, it means something fragile is in the box. But, if the homeless man chooses to go inside the box as his shelter, would the words, handle with care, apply to him as well? Furthermore, this homeless person is particularly sleeping in an urban area meaning there is a higher chance of people seeing them and could be kind enough to help them in any little way possible. After a long day of sitting down on the street being passed by by people, they would finally have enough to buy themselves their first meal o