
Boys Playing with Dolls

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Whether or not boys should be allowed to play with so-called “feminine toys” is a controversial topic. Derived from Kananzawas article, a sweeping generalization was made stating, “Boys like to play with cars and trucks, while girls choose to play with dolls.” However what if a boy were to voice his desire for a doll; would that make him gay or at all a girl? Carol Gioia states how boys “learn to be gentle and caring in a way they might not learn playing with trucks and guns.” “It is emotionally healthy for little boys to be able to play with dolls” she continued. Just because every so often a boy child might play with a doll, doesn’t mean they will be half grown playing with this so called “feminine toy”. Boys as well as girls “give up playing with dolls at an early age, usually by the time they have surpassed kindergarten.”(Gioia) This short period of play is important for boys to develop the emotional side of their personality, and be in touch with their gentle side as well. Boys and girls have different fondness based on gender, “scientific evidence suggests that boys’ and girls’ toy preferences may have a biological origin.”(Kananzawa) However, children have the right to their imagination and should play with what they desire. To suggest that “the only appropriate doll for a boy to play wit is a G I Joe is sending the message that boys should be combative and aggressive.”(Gioia) They may potentially grow up with the chauvinistic attitude that babies and children are “womens work” and be unable to relate to their own children in a nurturing way. In order for boys to develop their nurturing side parents must let them use their imagination to play with what they want. “Not allowing boys to play with other types of dolls sends the subliminal message that dolls are for sissies” (Gioia). This may emotionally scar the child and make him feel that there is something wrong with him for wanting

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