There are many different rights that we have as human beings like the right to life, then we have those rights given to us as Americans citizens which are inalienable rights. We are all citizens, citizens who pay taxes and serve our communities. We all deserve the same rights, correct? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary Inalienable (rights) are defined as “impossible to take away or give up”. These rights are not only a key part of our freedom as Americans but also a key part to our lives in order to live a full life. So my question is if we are entitled to these rights then why is it almost impossible to legalize gay marriage in America? Although there has been a push to completely legalize gay marriage it’s still illegal in some states like Kentucky. The states that it is illegal in doesn’t have to recognize the marriage in other states. This is a violation of common law Marriage. Not all state recognize it because it isn’t an official law. It states that a common law marriage is a legally recognized marriage between two people who have not purchased a marriage license or had their marriage solemnized by a ceremony. Since many same sex couples aren’t able to get married then they typically apart of this unfortunately it isn’t accepted everywhere. Marriage is defined as “the relationship that exists between a husband and a wife”, husband meaning a man and wife meaning a woman. According to this definition an actual marriage can only exist between two people of different sexes. Heterosexual couples are seen as politically correct in American society and homosexual couples are not. For heterosexual couples a husband or wife can receive different benefits though the government because of the marriage. Even if a couples gets divorced their ex-spouse can still receive benefits. There are programs put in place for those couples who lets say have a spouse in the military and if they are killed during the line of duty then the husband or wife receives benefits like financial assistance, these benefits are also given to the children that the couple had together. Currently, there are not many programs that give homosexual significant others of survivor’s benefits like the ones that the government provides for heterosexuals that are married or divorced. Homosexual partners aren’t able to claim benefits if their significant other is deceased, even tho