Many individuals, including myself, have confronted challenges that leave a large imprints in our lives. Whether or not these challenges are more strenuous and burdensome than others, almost all of the complications that we as humans face mold the aspects of who we are. Our response to these obstacles ultimately characterizes us as either ambitious or discouraged. It is easy to slip into such a dismayed mindset after being bombarded with said obstacles. Those who do not respond well to the problems that are occurring in their lives often become pessimistic individuals who have lost sight of what life is truly about. Life is an awe-inspiring concept that can never be truly defined with words. It is what we do throughout our time that illustrates its definition. As a high school student, I can honestly state that the majority of my life has been spent worrying about school and being anxious if whether or not I will have a successful and happy future. Over the years my mind has come to believe that I will never acquire a fortunate future if I do not get good enough grades. This conflict that has been occurring within me has made me question the reasons as to why I was placed on this Earth and has helped me to push myself to find these reasons. Entering high school, I had no true understanding of what exactly lied ahead of me. I had the typical mindset of any other freshman; curious, excited, and most certainly nervous. At this time, I did not feel obligated to stress over school since I still had three years to go until I would actually need to start worrying about my future. My grades were decent my freshmen year, which caused me to want to begin to push myself a little bit more. I decided to take more advanced and honor classes my sophomore year just to see how far I could go before pushing myself past my limit. This was the year when I finally began to feel the academic weight. I attempted to ignore the negative effects all of this wor