Introduction Imagine your young brother, sister, cousin, child, or even friend is playing a video game to the point where they’ve become addicted or they begin to imitate the character's actions in the game that could be threatening? Every year many young adolescents take the part of these violent video games to the extreme where their health or behavior is affected. Many studies have shown that young adolescents who partake in this action have gradually become aggressive in their daily lives. In addition, violent video games can train the youth to become a killer. Do you want to find your loved one to go through the wrong path in life or make poor decisions because these video games influence them to? I am addressing this topic for people to help make a change and better the lives of the ones we love before it’s too late. If I could go back in time and research more about violent video games, I would've stopped my parents from buying my brother them. My ten year old brother has become obese, addicted, and aggressive since he started participating in electronic games. When he loses, he becomes very destructive and bitter towards everyone and he doesn’t know how to control the time he's been playing. In addition, his lack of physical exercise has led him to gain tons of weight over the past years. Everyone is addicted to something, but if it’s controlling your entire life, is it really worth the doing? Violent video games should be banned for all adolescents who are still developing. Continually playing electronic games can affect youngster’s health such as addiction or varies disorders. Not only does playing affect your being, but also your behavior as well, this includes physical fights or even an aggressive attitude. Lastly, social development can be disturbed such as social skills and academic skills. I strongly believe that without this action, young children will live better lives and develop naturally and healthy. Overview The controversies among violent video games began in 1976 with the release of the game Death Race. The objective of the game was to run over screaming "gremlins" with a car. Debate over the game increased as a result of the "gremlins" resembling stick-figure humans and the title of the game was pedestrian. In 1994, the video game industry established a rating system based on the video game content. Discussion expanded years later because of school shootings that were caused from the influences the video games had on young adolescents. Not much progress has been made over the past ten years. For example, Hilary Clinton attempting to pass a bill to criminalize selling mature video games to minors, but the bill died. Violent video games for minors is a big deal because its teaching young children that violence is acceptable and they are also damaging their health and behavior. As games improve their sophistication, debate if video games should stop being sold to children resumes. Argument 1 Firstly, violent video games should be banned because it can promote gun violence. The most irresistible support comes from an article by Janet Morahan-Martin where she talks connects video game violence and real-life violence. She states, “In one case, two teen brothers randomly shot at cars, killing one and injuring others, and later told investigators that they had been inspired by Grand Theft Auto, another popular first-person shooter game." (Morahan-Martin). Grand Theft Auto is an action- adventure game that deals with adult nature and violent themes. Children who are participating in violent video games are being exposed to what happens in a criminal world filled with gangs and shootings. Furthermore, these games have become extremely graphic and realistic, which are giving young children 3D images of what occurs in that kind of environment. In addition, they are a first- person shooters while playing, and overtime they become educated and influenced to act the same way as they do receive awards for killing other characters. Beyond the influential gun violence there is an increase in aggressive behavior in adolescents. Secondly, any video games with violence should be outlawed due to the aggressive behavior adolescents have towards others. The strongest supporting evidence comes fr