According to the article, “9 Early Warning Signs For Serial Killers”, “Psychopaths have a strong tendency towards antisocial behavior, so watch for extremely antisocial children.” This shows that the most common trait of a probable serial killer would be antisocial behavior. The article also mentions to look at this type of behavior early on because that is when serial killers usually tend to develop these types of traits. The article goes on by revealing the second most common trait if a serial killer. The article says, “This is one of the strongest warning signs. Children who torture or kill small animals like squirrels, birds, cats, and dogs without showing remorse are highly likely to be sociopaths.” This shows that traits of serial killers include violence which is definitely more noticeable in younger children. This trait is an early warning sign because it show that children want to be dominant over something but since they are just children they target small defenseless animals to show their dominance. There are other traits that don't always develop from such a young age and are more evident when the person is already a criminal. For example, the article states that, “Many serial killers start as arsonists. Arson is psychologically attractive because it involves manipulating power and control, something that serial killing also offers.” This shows that something that serial killer might like to do is arson, so that means that the person is already a criminal. If the person is already a criminal then it is pretty evident that they should be kept away from since they are already known as dangerous. This article also mentions that, “many serial killers have trouble keeping jobs or work in unskilled labor.” This shows that older people who lean towards serial killing are not very responsible, therefore cannot keep up a good job, or a job at all. They are probably beginning to plan their horrid crime and cannot keep up with