
Technology and the Loss of Experience

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? The loss of true experience: Technology Growth Technology is developing and it occupies almost every part of our daily life. It is hard to imagine a life without technology and the usage of Internet seems unavoidable. The person-to-person relationship, which has existed surely since the dawn of man, long before the birth of social media let alone telecommunications, has become increasingly reliant on the use of technology. People nowadays could keep in touch with their friends and family via cell phones, videos and emails without actually meeting each other. The advancing of technology seems convenience a lot for our life but I have come to notice the way in which technologies have act as a fetter. Many of the hi-tech gadgets and advancements we have today are actually diminish the true experiences we could obtain. According to Walker Percy’s arguments about how having prepackaged ideas about something, can create a symbolic complex in individual’s mind, causing them to lose the true essence behind it. Percy presents examples after examples making them connection of how one has lost pure experiences from existed expectations and by the means of trying to achieve that experience. Percy states that people can get true experiences of something only if they can get rid of social basis and prejudices, just like the comments and topics on the Internet. In Percy’s article, “the Loss of the Creature”, he uses an example of the “Great Canyon” to show that the experience obtained by each individual after preconceived expectations from the first visitor is not the fully pure experience since the sightseer would judge the Canyon according to the images that he/she viewed through the social media. He insists that the sightseer views the Canyon isn’t “the sovereign discovery of the ting before him; it is rather the measuring up of the thing to the criterion of the performed symbolic complex” (Percy, 469). Percy argues that people as sightseers view the “Canyon” from expectations, which derived from the postcards, pictures, and travel brochures instead of truly visualizing the “Canyon” as the first tourist. Percy argues that “being first, gives you access to seeing it for what it really is.” The idea of truly visualizing the “ Canyon” in Percy’s statements is the actual first experiences that we gain from see the view by ourselves. If groups of people come to view the Canyon through certain commercial advertisements, they would get confused and limited their visions through their existed expectations. Indeed, Percy states, “If that place (the Grand Canyon) is seen by a million sightseers, a single sightseer does not obtain the value P but a millionth part of P”. The “value P” in Percy’s statements means the value of a completely true experience, which is not interfered by any preconceived images. The Internet offers public a stage to share images and ideas and divides the values of P into several different parts to public, in other word, the experience we achieved through Internet is just a part of the true experience. The appearances of many online tours and guidance tend to diminish our true experiences. For instance, I always use “Yelp” while visiting some new cities. Yelp is an online urban guide, which published crowd-sourced reviews about local businesses, such as restaurants, hotels and some entertainment places. People will share their experiences as comments and post them on the application in order to give visitors some expectations before actually get to the places. The data of the recommended places are sorted according to public’s experiences and preferences. By tapping the key words about the places I want to visit, I could find the “best match places” that ranked by others. According to Percy, those sorted data on the Yelp give me many expectations that lead m

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