
Language Barriers and Communication

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According to The Free Dictionary, "communication" refers to exchanging ideas, information, or messages, by speech, writing, signals, or behavior. Barriers to communication are anything that impedes, blocks or otherwise interferes with the communications of a thought from one individual to another. Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted and you therefore risk wasting both time and or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding. Effective communication involves overcoming these barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. Linguistic, emotional, physical and noise are perceived as barriers to effective communication which can be overcome through proper strategies to build strong and healthy relationships. Linguistic or language barriers are seen as one of the barriers to communication. The choice of words used in a message will influence the quality of communication.The use of jargons may act as a barrier to communication due to the overcomplicated unfamiliar and or technical terms. Jargon is simply an abbreviated form of language that encapsulates tacit knowledge. It is very useful in a community sharing a common interest as it removes much information redundancy. At the same time, it represents a barrier to those unfamiliar with it and makes it possible to quickly identify the “outsiders”. For example, BTW PLZ 4GV ME 4 Bin A PITB CUB This is the jargon used by our students. A parent viewing this may interprete it the wrong way thus causing the communication process to be distorted. The translation: By the way, please forgive me for being a pain in the butt, See you later. If they do not recognize and understand the terms, the messages will then become merely collection of words that are confusing and unintelligible. This can be overcome by: speaking slowly and clearly, asking for clarifications, frequently checking for understanding and choosing the medium of communication effectively. One of the chief

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