
The Change of Life - Z.Z. Packer

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“Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everybody else”. In Z.Z. Packer “Geese”, Dina is a young lady looking to leave her hometown for a better life. Dina’s family and friends asked her why would she leave her hometown for a place where she has never been. Dina has already made a decision in her heart that she would move to something different in life. Dina wants to make more money and have a cheaper living style in Japan, but once she arrives she is faced with a lot of obstacles. According to Mordecai Marcus Dina is a character who is at the the threshold of maturity and and is enmeshed in a situation. Furthermore, in Z.Z. Packer “Geese”, after finally getting to Japan Dina is faced with unimaginable situations such as poverty, uncomfortable living, and doing things she could never imagine. Even more, in Z.Z. Packer “Geese”, Dina faces poverty. Dina first experience poverty when she could not find a job to make ends meat. “Dina still had no job and couldn’t make the rent at the foreign hostel”(Packer 196). Dina first lived in a hotel paying rent month to month with a little job she worked, but she suddenly lost the job. In the midst of her losing the job she made a friend who took her in to live at his place because she had no where to stay. Dina’s poverty experience got worst, “ She didnt’t have a job and he took pity on her, inviting her to live with him in his one-room flat”(Packer 196). Her friend name is Ari. He lives in a one room flat in which he invites Dina to come stay in. Dina not knowing it was a one room flat with a million other people living there. Ari introduced Dina to all his fellow roommates. Unexpectedly, in Z.Z. Packer “Geese”, Dina living experience was uncomfortable. When in fact, Dina was not the only one going to be living with Ari. Zoltan and Petra were also living with Ari as his roommates. Ari brought Dina in like she was a

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