Globalization is the development, investment, operating and influencing of one country’s organisation to another country. The happening of globalizations has made a lot of migrations happen around the world, legally or illegally[Ron13]. In a survey done in 2012, there are roughly 640 million adults wish to migrate to another country if they have the chance to do so[Jon12]. However, there are some sayings that the immigrant will threaten the position of local residents in many aspects[Gra00]. In this essay, there will be discussion on is it really the immigrants affecting the working opportunities of the domestic residents and also, is it that immigrants always being bullied by their employers, colleague and also domestic residents. There is a reason why government encourages immigrants to the country, and that is because of the unbalance in pensioner/employee rates. Let’s take the United Kingdom as an example, The British government is facing, “agequake,” problem, with an unbalanced number of pensioners to employee rates. This will act as a strong reason to encourage immigrants to the country[Kei05]. Also, many immigrants use the opportunity to re-immigrant within Europe; this again will lead to the problem of lack of employees. Immigrants will first migrate to an easier approve country, so that it will be easier for them to re-migrate to another European country that they desire[Son12]. British government do think of a solution for this problem that is to increase the retirement ages, but will this affect the productivity will be another question to consider. Therefore, increase the immigration will be a better choice since most of the immigrants are young, which will help balance up the pensioner/employee rate. For the sake of the UK future manpower, the government of UK rejected the proposal of the European Union for banding the increase of Immigrants. It is said that these immigrants were the main reason for the economic growth of the USA at that time[Sum03]. Those immigrants have also become one of the main sources of income for their original country, as what he world bank found out in 1989, immigrants had sent back about 65 Billion Dollar back to their original country[Har01]. Conflict often happens regarding immigrants in the UK. For example, in 2003, 1/3 of the British resident thinks that the immigrants in the main issue that the country is facing, but somehow, immigrants had contributed 2.5 Billion Euro to the country[Spe03]. When immigrants came to a new country, the first thing they have to handle is the difference of language, which will affect the way they uses the machines and technologies in their workplace. Many workplaces nowadays are trying to be as computerized as possible. Therefore, it is said that these technologies are more bias towards high skilled workers. And this statement has been proved by researchers who carried out an experiment on a workplace which uses the computer as their main operating system. They conclude that there really are biased when it comes to low education immigrants which have different cultural approaches to work. This also leads to lower wages paid to the immigrants, as they are unable to fulfil the need of operation the computer[Mic13]. The situation can be linked to alienation by Karl Marx, which will mention later on. Also, from this saying, the company that uses Mcdonalization will be suitable for immigrants. Mcdonaldization is a concept created by George Ritzer (2004), saying that company that practice mcdonaldization does not require their employees to be skilful, instead, they tried to make the task as skill less as possible, so they can just have to pay low wages to the workers and they can easily replace the worker, this situation is called deskilling. So,