
France, Britain and the Enlightenment Period

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The Enlightenment reorientated political, social, economical, and especially philosophical systems in Europe. Two of the most affected by this new ideals, were the French and the British. Two of the greatest European powers; the French for their stable economical status and political structure, and the British for their big military and control of numerous colonies. This impact created new beliefs within the people, new ways of thinking, and a new idea of democracy that nobody knew that gave people a belief that equality was possible. The Enlightenment caused two important events in history, the American revolution and the French revolution. Religion was the most affected by the Enlightenment. The philosophers showed people new ways of thinking and questioning the information provided by the church. Many scientist also found information about the Earth’s shape and location that disproved what the church said. Like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Isaac Newton. This scientist were all sent to prison or death by the church in Europe, except Newton, as he was english and England was Anglican. The acts of questioning what the church said had more of an impact on the French society. This is because the French monarchy and the church had a very good relation, and the church would help the government to take the right decisions. France was the first country to experience the Enlightenment. The absolute monarchy and the effect of the church on the decisions of the government, made the philosophers ask themselves questions and discover new political systems. These philosophers gave the people new ways of thinking with logic. They brought the idea of democracy, meaning that everybody could have an effect on the government’s decisions. They were also against the ideas of the church as they wanted proved information, not just statements. Many of the philosophers’ ideals were accepted in the French revolution, which revolted against the ab

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