The controversy over science and religion remains as a popular topic in our society today. These two concepts stand at a more complex point that what seems to be just two opposing views. Each individual in our society seems to have formed his or her own interpretations of the proposed theories, which make it a complex and difficult task when trying to find a correlation between the two. Everyone is raised with different backgrounds and with different backgrounds come a different culture. Therefore, it isn’t surprising to find cultures that may differ greatly from ours and have different conclusions about how life came to be. When we are confronted with differences in world-views, we are quick to assert our beliefs and the issue remains difficult to take a final stance on since both sides are challenging to prove. Evolution proposes that all life forms originally had a single common ancestor and through adaptive measures to better survive in different environments, some traits were favored more than others to produce separate species. Over countless generations, traits that were the most fit were more successfully passed on to the next generation while less successful traits are slowly weeded out from the gene pool. Although it is logically plausible, the inadequacy in the theory of evolution is just that; it is and always will remain a theory. Evolution is unobservable which makes it difficult to produce concrete evidence. Many also criticize that evolution does not explain how the first life forms originated unlike creation. It is ironic that the scientific community, one that strives to prove causation, turns to evolution to justify the origin of the multitude of species on the planet when evolution itself is just a possibility. The entire theory truly is based on blind faith; no different from creationism, so that we can interpret the world we live in. Creationism is the term that many use to refer to the beliefs of Christians an