
Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

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?Although Egypt and Mesopotamia developed around the same time these two civilizations are actually very different. These two civilizations were right after the other so they might have adopted some things from each other but they had some overwhelming differences. The Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians are different in aspects including geography, architecture, and even their hierarchy system. These two civilizations are polar opposites in their geography. Mesopotamia was surrounded by two rivers and on the other hand Egypt is surrounded by desert. They both survived and were successful despite their contrasting geography and the geography actually helped out their survival. Another difference is their rivers. Every civilization has to have a river flowing near it because without it your people would die. Mesopotamia had two rivers which is how it got its name while Egypt had one river that flowed south to north and it is the only river that does this. Both rivers helped each nation and provided silt for farming but were very different. The geographical protections for the Egyptians include their southern cataracts which stopped invaders from the south and their deserts surrounding their valley, however, Mesopotamia did not have very many protections which is why it invaded constantly. You need protection in a civilization because you will get invaded constantly if you do not have it and you will also be on the lookout for invaders including herders who could live in your own civilization. Geography is very important in a civilization and it is the difference between life and death. Another major difference between the two civilizations is their architecture. The two major advancements of these civilizations are pyramids and ziggurats. Their purposes are majorly different. The Egyptian pyramids purpose was to house the spirit of the pharaoh or god. On the other hand the ziggurats were never a house for the god but a dwelling place f

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