
Edward Scissorhands and Pleasantville

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Imagine moving to a completely new society where being different makes one an outcast. In order to make an effort to have a rightful place in a new society, change is introduced in a transformative manner and with painstaking consequences. The following movies introduce the protagonists in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands and Gary Ross’s Pleasantville who enter into a new environment. Their impacts alter both societies and themselves. In both movies, the protagonists attempt to help their own society, but instead the civilization misunderstands their intentions. On the other hand, the antagonists take advantage of the protagonist’s lack of knowledge in a new environment. The introduction of strangers from the two films does guarantee a change, reminding one that altering one’s environment is not only life changing, but also painful. The two movies portray that when one tries to assist their community, they are misunderstood, often inflicting unintentional pain. Thus, Edward Scissorhands demonstrates that when the protagonist, Edward, attempts to make a positive change in society, it backfires. When welcomed into his new family, he is considered an outcast by his intimidating appearance, causing difficulties to enter a new society. For instance, Jim convinces Kim to manipulate Edward into breaking into Jim’s house, but Edward is unaware that he is exploited into burglary. Momentarily, Edward enters the house and he becomes isolated when the trespasser alarm starts ringing, accused of theft. Kim knowing the situation approaches Edward after realizing that “it must have been awful when they told you whose house it was” (Burton). Therefore proving that Kim is unsure of Edward but her opinion changes after mistreating him. Both Kim and Jim corrupt Edward’s innocence for wrongful intentions. Finally, Edward is easily misunderstood, although he attempts to make a good impression on society, it ricochets against him. In additio

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