Concussions have become more and more of a problem in the last few years. In fact, 1.8 million to 3.8 million concussions occur each year. The age that people can get them is also getting lower and lower. With this being said, memory loss is a huge factor for this generation. Concussions can affect the brain greatly, and by getting a head injury early in life, it will impact it tremendously. A concussion is an injuring to the head that make your brain move back and forth rapidly. This injury can have serious results to the brain causing a lot of harm. With a concussion, you can actually see it. That’s why they are actually so dangerous. The only way to really diagnose one is to watch for the symptoms. Some examples of symptoms are headaches, nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to noise and light, and drowsiness. Also, the other tricky part about diagnosing a concussion is the fact the symptoms may or may not show up the day the injury takes place. Symptoms can show up to a few days after it has happened. Another thing to look out for is how the concussions can be moderate to severe. A moderate one may consist of headaches, nausea and overall not too bad of symptoms. A severe one can consist of one pupil being bigger than the other, cannot be awakened, slurred speech, seizures and lots more. If parents think their child has a concussion, they really need to watch out for the symptoms occurring. When the symptoms do occur, parents need to take the child to see medical help because you cannot mess around with concussions. 75% of the youth are student athletes. This puts them at a much higher risk for receiving a concussion. These athletes are at a higher risk because all sports are so high in contact, that it is so easy to get a concussion. Even though it is more likely to get a concussion from playing a sport, people can get them from not. Some of the simplest things can make you get one. For example, falling down the stairs and hitting y