The Project Literacy advertisement asks for people to help stop future generations from missing out on many positive emotions, experiences and actions which literacy often helps to make possible. The video lists a number of activities that literacy can help make possible, accompanied by footage of people enjoying those activities. Towards the end of the video, a fact appears that “1 in 10 people in the world are illiterate” followed by the request for people to join the Project Literacy movement. The purpose of this video is to promote the importance of future generations having adequate literacy skills. The video aims to provide awareness to people who may not have previously considered just how much society depends on basic literacy skills to be able to communicate in a huge variety of different settings and social situations. This advertisement targets literate adults, perhaps teachers and parents, which is clear by the way the video asks for people to join a movement to help future generations. The audience for this advertisement would generally be considered receptive due to the fact that the message being conveyed is one that most people, especially the target audience, can already relate to and agree with. Therefore, not a lot of factual convincing is necessary and Project Literacy has chosen to primarily play on the viewers’ emotions by using pathos as the primary persuasive technique for this advertisement (Ballenger 162). Perhaps the most prominent feature of this video, regarding pathos, is the image of happiness portrayed by the people in the video who are able to read and write. While watching this video, viewers are shown a number of favorable activities and emotions that literate people can enjoy. Examples include footage of people reading to loved ones, teachers helping children to learn, students writing in class, people using technology in the workplace and other people using technology to bond with family. Pr