As everyone knows, abortion is a very touchy and sensitive subject. It is subject where one can argue back and forth without seeing the daylight at the end of a tunnel. It is a matter of life and death to an unborn child, who can have no say whether to live or die. There are major points that both sides bring up which equally have very good points and very critical. One side brings in religion, the other, a baby should never be neglected. It is a nature verses nurture. On one side is pro-life, a side that attempts to protect the human life of embryos and fetuses, outlawing abortion which is taking life away from a human. This side tries to make people see having an abortion is murder, which creates pain to an unborn child, and is not moral to the commandments of God. They believe if a woman does not want to have a child, she should use contraceptives to avoid these unwanted pregnancies. Another argument they use to their advantage is if the woman is ready to care for a child and has a past history of an abortion she has a better chance to have a miscarriage with her next pregnancy. On the other corner of this battle is the pro-choice band. This group favors or supports women to have the right to choose to go through with pregnancy. One of their claims is that women usually are not financially ready to bring a child to this world. They also claim contraceptives are not always at the disposal of women and the child should not to come to this world unwanted. Another point pro-choice makes is these parents “soon to be” should not punished for having sexual intercourse. My personal view is still indecisive. I realize and understand both side of the discussion, but still cannot pick a side. I agree if women do not want to have children they should use contraceptives. But I do not agree if the woman has sexual intercourse she should not be punished. Evidently she and her partner know what they are doing behind closed doors and if th