Effective communication can contribute to how successful a business may be or ineffective communication can lead to the failure of a business. There are many communication network packages available to business to help them be effective communicators. Some communication packets are better than others and the business has to choose which one works best for their needs. Verizon has become one of the world’s leaders in developing and designing networks. Verizon is a communication business that sales communication networks and devices. In this paper I discuss the network design that Verizon uses for their operations and sale to its customers. When a business designs a network they have to consider four major design goals scalability this will allow the network to grow over time. “Scalable network designs can grow to include new user groups and remote sites and can support new applications without impacting the level of service delivered to existing users” (scte.org). When the Verizon Company first started in April 2000, the company offered its customers telephone services via telephone lines. Within the same year Verizon offered wireless phone service to its same customers now these customers could use home phones and mobile phones if they wanted to purchase the extra service. This shows that Verizon could add to its existing network package. Verizon also added mobile web to the customers who opt to use their mobile phone service this allowed its customers to surf certain internet web sites while traveling locally. “In 2002, Verizon Wireless launched a 3G (third generation) EV-DO network in the United States. This revolutionary technological advancement gave wireless customers the power of high-speed wireless broadband to surf the web, stream music and videos, and download and send files from their mobile device” (verizonwireless.com). In 2005 Verizon added television service to their network via FIOS now their customers could