
Pricing Healthy and Unnutritious Foods

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted you have given up your precious time to consider this important issue. Allow me to start by asking you a simple question; did you know that many obese people suffer from obesity because they cannot afford nutritious food? In a survey of 212 people, this became clear; 200 of the individuals know how to cook healthily but can’t afford it. This staggering number is due to the price of nutritious food being too expensive. In 2012 the average price of healthy meals every day for a week came to a total of over £48. Therefore this lifestyle is not possible with the budget many individuals have to live by. In contrast, the price of eating cheap, fat filled food only came to a total of a mere £24 a week, which is half of the price in which you can get three balanced meals every day, for a week. Currently heart attacks are the biggest cause of death in the world. Almost 70% of cardiovascular patients suffer from weight problems. This suggests people having to buy cheap food are at risk of having long term health problems. There are simply too many lives being lost because of this. This reflects badly on not only the individual but the entire nation. I am sure the majority of individuals, including myself before I had done some research, assume that obese people are lazy, uneducated people. However, the statistics show a worrying amount of people have to buy fatty food to eat as a consequence of the rising price of healthy food. I was brought up knowing that obesity was a growing problem. It's impossible to hide from the fact, it's addressed everywhere: in the media, in schools and in many other establishments. However, the extent it stretches to is far more then I could have ever imagined. This issue was really put into context for me when my auntie died from a stroke in mid-July last year. The cause of this was from a bad lifestyle and a malnutritious diet; this affected my auntie, along wi

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