Everyone at some point in their life experiences a form of obsession with someone or something; people will undergo through an obsessive phase that enables them to see their reality. This state of obsession is more common than any other condition such as depression or a sexual transmitted disease. The fascination strikes women and men of any ethnic background, income level, and age. Because the symptoms can be of agony or thrill, sufferers often will try to conceal their feelings by hiding them or in some cases just exposing them in public by becoming erratic. Some people are often unable to decide if their obsession is realistic or its just pure passion. There are several effects of an obsession one being a sightless effect; for example, the Oakland Raider fans are obsessed with their beloved football team they desperately defend their team at any cost by anyone who contradicts their opinion; as a result, they brutally beat up others fans from the opposite teams to express their superiority of ruthless aggression. Fanatics seem to become infatuated with their teams therefore it causes them to wear an imaginary blindfold causing them to not see the reality of their team; while, their obsession becomes so addicting that they paint their faces, bodies, getting tattoos, engraving their logo on anything that is available. Most fans get caught up on the player’s nicknames which as a result draw them closer to them because they feel related to them; for example some nicknames are: The Assassin, The Mad Bomber, Dr. Death, Chucky, 11 angry men, Ghost, and The Mad Stork. Maybe, Raider fans are not obsessed after all, maybe it’s just passion; however, having an obsession generates all the attention on one topic or subject which can cause harmful consequences in their lives. In addition, the second type of results is the fantasy effect that makes the individual dream of the possible outcomes. For instance, when a woman becomes obsessed wi