
Stress from a Gender Perspective

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Men and women react to stress differently due to social and physiological reasons. Some people may say that men shut down when they are stressed and women may become too verbal. The ultimate difference between the genders is their view on life in regards to how they relieve stress and still feel accomplished. The first difference is that men carry stress from one point to another not knowing how to cope with it. They feel very overwhelmed with their responsibilities of life being a husband, father, and a job with a leadership role. Trying not to bring work home and not take home to work they hold the world on their shoulder. Stress will allow men to become short tempered and unhappy so most of them would prefer to do more physical stimulating activities to help deal with stress. For instance, men are interested in cars, sports and lifting weights. Women, on the other hand, become prosaically and very compassionate they share their stress with everyone hoping for empathy form their friends. They will take stress as a way to improve themselves as a wife, mother, daughter and their challenging career. Most women will impact stress and take it one day at time to figure out how not to have a break down. While women would prefer aesthetically rewarding activities, like shopping, cooking and hanging with friends that can help them deal with being stressed out. For example, women like to go shopping with their friends then go home drink wine and have a fashion show of things they just bought. This is a way women deal with their stress by being around people who are either feeling the same way they feel or just for the positive insight. Next, men love sports for the purpose of challenges that will free their mind to focus on something else other than what’s stressing them out. So men deal with stress by playing sports not just for the physical activity but for the competition with other men which is offered through a video game, a basketb

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