Animal testing has become controversial over many years especially among animal rights groups and animal lovers. Cosmetics have been tested on animals for years but there are now alternatives to replace the use of animals. (New England Anti-Vivisection Society) However, when it comes to testing animals for medical research, there may not be alternatives available. As much as people may want to end animal testing, it cannot be. It is not possible to replace animals in research right now which is why they are still used. Animals used in research are specifically bred. About 90 percent of the research animals are rodents such as rats and mice. (American Academy of Neurology) Rodents have very short life spans which is why they are used the most. Compounds are tested in different generations which is reasonable. (Blue, TIME) Scientists do not treat animals poorly for the sake of ruining costly research and results. Every institution has an Institutional Animal Care an Use Committee (IACUC) that evaluates and inspects testing labs. People argue that testing on animals is a cruel way of finding results. Many would agree, but what would be the alternative if we don't have the technology yet? It has been brought up that humans, prisoners for example, should be put in place of animals because they are more reliable and would give “accurate” results. But we live in a society that mostly values human life over the lives of animals. In 2011, the U.S. government apologized for multiple incidents in which government doctors experimented on disabled people and prison inmates. They infected the prisoners and mental patients with diseases, which in the end provided no useful results. (Stobbe, AOLNews) This shocked and outraged many people. If this is the way people react then just imagine how it would be if humans replaced animals in medical research. Many people living today has benefited from medical research involving animals. Some medica