A saintly wisdom says, “life and death are the most important; do not suffer them in vain." It is fundamentally in these premises that a youth as me has a challenge in defining the unexplored path of my future. Most certainly, the life has its many dimensions; personal, family, society, humanity, environmental and spiritual. We are born individuals, each endowed with a unique set of characteristics as a singular entity. Each one of us has a way of thinking and method of analyzing everything around and beyond. This specific exploratory nature and one’s manner of interaction make each individual worthy to this world as a microcosm of society. We as an infant, child, youth, adult and aged have capabilities, needs and constraints which are best fostered, satisfied or overcome collectively, by each member dissolving into one’s family setting. This is precisely why the family unit is the primary domain of every individual. In turn with its intrinsic plurality, family becomes the building block of a society. The peace, happiness, oneness, wellness and achievements of family units shall greatly determine and reflect the nature of every society. What is a society? It is an amalgamation of families who invariably live, love, share, care, interact, play, produce, sell, consume and progress as individuals and teams. In other words, we are a society. What do we have beyond our own immediate society? We have the neighboring society, just as families have neighbors. We may call it as city, state, nation or whatever nomenclature. Their anatomy, genome, needs and issues, thoughts and aspirations, intentions and inspirations, pleasures and pains are just the same as ours. Therefore, we are related to each other, we belong to one another; we are one and the same called humanity. As humanity, we share a single mother; our mother earth. We share its environment, the seven oceans, its air, its birds and animals, and its flora and fona. We choose to ei