Over the course of the netball unit, I have learned a lot about the sport of netball and its rules, skills, techniques, and strategies. I have seen many that traits are similar to basketball such as its techniques and strategies; it is very fast paced and many passes are made as you make your way up the court. As you pass you also create new possibilities for passes and scoring. As for the rules, I am able to see some similarities such as fouls when you violate a rule by “hurting” a player. However, in netball you are required to stay 90 centimeters away from the player. There are, however, differences as well. The biggest being the thirds, the scoring circles and the different positions that exist. For the thirds, only specific positions from each team are allowed to enter the different areas of the court, for example, the goal shooter can only be in the offensive third and the circle meanwhile the goalkeeper can only be in the defensive third and the circle. This is the main difference that separates netball from other sports such as basketball or football. Another main rule that only exists in netball is the fact that you are not allowed to bypass the center third, therefore, you are not allowed to pass from defensive to offensive third and vice versa, the ball has to be passed through the middle pass or it is given over to the opponents team for a free pass. This is very similar to the free kick in soccer where a player is given the opportunity to pass or shoot without any defense guarding that player. I have, however, incorporated many skills that I had previously learned whilst playing basketball. These include passing and shooting techniques that give a higher accuracy and are more consistent. For the shooting technique, I apply backspin to the ball which gives it a higher percentage to be made as it compensates for more errors than if there was less backspin on the ball. During this unit I have improved in multiple areas, i