The nature of good and evil is always a mysterious topic in philosophical field that even though there are piles of studies researched and theories proposed by philosophers of various schools, hardly are people able to reach the top of the pyramid and gain the truth. As the representative thinker and philosophers of the western and the eastern, Nietzsche and XunZi both studied the good and evil nature of human beings and created their unique theories, which challenge the stereotypes and reverse the usual concepts. Nietzsche believes that people are born with master morality or slave morality, which is not alterable and later can be refer to the nature of good and bad. According to Nietzsche, there are two kinds of human beings in the world: human of master morality and human of slave morality-specifically, it is a way of thinking. People of master morality think like a master. They are strong, healthy, courageous and active, living a happy, good life. They are inherently good people. On the contrary, people of slave morality are weak, coward and unhealthy. They find people of master morality much stronger than them and get so obsessed by those stronger people that they intend to destroy them and twist the fact. Out of jealousy, resentment and fear, they create rumors that those strong people were evil and they, the cowards, are good people. With Nietzsche’s theory, Demian believes that Cain is a man of boldness and power rather than with an evil mind while the victim, Abel, is considered to be a man of cowardice and weakness for which he deserved to be killed, which illustrates the theory of master morality and slave morality. Besides, in the story of two thieves, Demian believes the good thief is unreliable because of his conversion and cowardice while the bad thief is reliable and has characters because he follows his destiny and does not turn coward. From Nietzsche’s viewpoint, the weak are bad and the strong are good. In trad