First, the advertizing manufacture requires a great number of human resources which have shown to help reducing unemployment rate. No doubt, we now live in the age of advertising. For example, everywhere we go from or to school, work, and traveling, we surround by advertisements. It is easy found that various kinds of ads run all the way from urban city to countryside. We often see not only posts of house rents or missing pets and residences in local streets, but also motivated industry billboards in busy community like Time Square. Even more, running buses and subways trains are also carried meaningful and colorful ads. It is true of what the author said in the article of our brains are drilled in all types of information whether healthy or unhealthy. However, a wide range of employment like artists, post productions, musical directors, art directors, and lightening are need for a piece of advertising production. For this, if we took out all TV commercials, our economic would go bankrupt all in a sudden and millions of people would lose their jobs facing financial issues. Therefore, It would be fibulas for every one of our love shows be expended an hour on air, yet save millions people’s jobs. Second, TV commercials transfer boring text messages become more vivid. For example, what would you prefer to acquire information of new car insurance by either reading a piece paper full of texts which it might took at least two minutes, or watching a piece of motivated TV commercial for less than 60 seconds? It is no wonder why advertisements are often blamed for its negative effects of what ads have affected children’s attention span; however, I believe that the “amputated” ads provides an ability for people to give their bodies a short break. For instance, it is common seem many children watching TV for a long period of time and sitting with sneaks like potato chips, cookies and juices around them. They are often so indulging in the