Reading this young woman poems, I’ve realized that she was a very unhappy and a confused young adult but did her childhood cause this? Was her childhood worth sacrificing to create a vivid but depressed poet who eventually commits suicide? In Mad Girl’s Love Song, line 5 she says, “And arbitrary blackness gallops in:”, in other words Plath’s is describing the blackness as her depression. Her love and admiration with her father was great but so was the hatred she had for him. Plath at a young age was knowledgable with what is going on around her. Knowing her father is going against everything she believes in, knowing his hatred toward the Jewish community but the fear of speaking out to her father is to much for her. During Plath’s childhood, her father had a strong grip on her, the grip she should have had on reality. His bright blue Aryan eyes swept her off her feet. She loved her father so very much ,in line 65 she states “I made a model of you”, To say this you must be able to look up to that individual as a role model as someone you love and respect, someone who you would do anything for (Plath, 853). But his involvement with the Aryan Nation slammed her to the ground, shoved her in a cage, she's trying to get out. In line 41 she states “I have always been scared of you” (Plath 852) in this statement she is clearly stating how scared she is of him. Harassing her, feeling like a animal in a zoo. Her fear to stand up to what is right, prevents her to talk to her father. In line 25 she states “I never could talk to you” and again in Line 29 she states “I could hardly speak”. Plath carried so much of this weight on her shoulders, she never truly expressed how she felt towards the situation, in line 68 she states “So daddy, I’m finally threw” . By this point in the poem she have reached adulthood and is still carrying around this burden. In her eyes she sees him as powerful as the swastika, how strong