There is always something new to try, that’s one of the joys of snowboarding. Snowboarding is one of the biggest sport during the winter time. Snowboarding is a great way to spend the day or night outside in a beautiful place, and get a great workout. Hurry up before the season passes or going to raise in price. Snowboarding is important because it’s an incredibly fun. Snowboarding requires the right equipment and an early investment of time and money, but after that, it’s all fun with better experience First the right equipment is the most important part of snowboarding .Snowboarding is tuff in the beginning because to get all this ad reline in the body when not knowing the basic skill of snowboarding, Many say the board ,boots ,and bindings don’t matter for beginner. To me a successful snowboarder with the right equipment. Clothes are important to keep yourself warm on the mountain because they are high winds and snow blowing. The right length of the board is determine by the height. The length of the board should be between the chin and the nose. Boots should be the size of a shoe size. A boot should be .5 more for a large shock to stay warm, then the original size. Bindings are determined by the size of boot, if the boot is large the binding should be large as well. All the equipment should feel comfortable if not then something is wrong. A helmet is required for all ages it has to be DOT approved. The right equipment is needed anywhere on the mountain or ski resort. Snowboarding could get expensive; however when you don’t have to buy equipment over the years of snowboarding. Season pass can get overpriced during the winter season, but when spring comes around the snow is softer, then the prices are just right. It all depends on the type of snow. Snowboarding gear could get expensive if top notch. But if you do an early investment during the summer you get the best deals yet in the summer months on equipment. The parkin