Numerous individuals do not comprehend why individuals get to be dependent on drugs or how drugs can change the mind to cultivate enthusiastic drug abuse. They erroneously view drug misuse and dependence as entirely an individual issue and may describe why the individuals who take drugs as ethically powerless (Alving, Matyas, Torres, Jalah, & Beck, 2014). One extremely regular belief is that drugs abusers need to have the capacity to stop taking drugs if they are willing to change their conduct and be a member of society (Alvin et al., 2014). What individuals frequently underestimate is the intricacy of drug dependence that this is an illness that have an effect on the brain, and because of that it is very hard to quit using and abusing drugs, stopping the use of drugs is not just an issue of self-discipline (Alvin et al., 2014). Through scientific advances we now know a great deal about how drug addiction can be effectively treated for users to resume and maintain productive lives (Alvin et al., 2014). Drug addiction is a chronic, regularly abused habit that causes habitual drug seeking and use, notwithstanding harmful outcomes to the drug addict and the people around them. Drug dependence is a brain disease on the grounds that the use of drugs leads prompt changes in the structure and capacity of the brain (Alvin et al., 2014). Despite the fact that truly the vast majority the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary and over a period of time the brain changes and brought about by the person repeated drug use can influence and individual ability to control themselves as well as their ability of self-control, which ultimately leads to an exceptional motivation to take drugs (Alvin et al., 2014). Drugs are a direct result of the adjustments within the brain that it is so challenging for an individual who is dependent on drugs to stop misusing it. Luckily there are treatments and treatment facilities that can help an individual to counteract the impact that progressive drug use can have on the body and to help recapture control of oneself (Fikowski, Marchand, Palis, & Oviedo-Joekes, 2014). Educational research demonstrates that by combining treatment of drugs if accessible, with behavioral treatments is the most ideal approach to guarantee successful treatments of most patients. Treatment approaches that are customized to each individual drug abuse designs and any simultaneous restorative, psychiatric, and social issues can prompt managed recuperation and an existence without drugs (Fikowski et al., 2014). The cognitive theory uses a more extensive and regularly a more theoretical phenomena and ideas to clarify drug abuse and addiction. Causality gets to be harder to establish as scientists attempt to quantify a more theoretical idea and to determine their immediate and aberrant binds to practices that may happen much sooner than drugs are purchased or used. Disparity, normally financial is one of such idea, in some structure it is a part of several theories of drug use and addiction (Fikowski et al., 2014), nonetheless its pla