At the age of twenty one, I made one of the most difficult, important and critical decisions of my life. I felt that it was time for me for start to live new experiences and to live by my own, so I decided to leave my house despite of the negatives response that I received from my family. Anyway, I left home and I set my destination far away of my family and my country. At a short age I took the responsibility of taking care of myself and ensure my future. Although I was very difficult, I was able to overcome the situation. This experience showed me that the most important in life is to make your own right decisions in order to be happy. I truly believe that the most meaningful thing that I did in my life was to move by myself and take my own responsibilities, because of many reasons; I reached maturity, I was capable to survive by myself, and I learned that I was able to do anything that I can imagine. I was so young when I decided to leave my home and family. At the age of twenty one I was facing many hard times trying to get out from the adolescence, plus trying to survive by myself and be ready to live in the real world with real challenges. Youngers at this state are capable to make important decision like what to do with their future or what is the best for them, but I have to recognize that in my case I didn’t have many options to choose. The most important thing in my life at that stage of my life was to have a place to live and to have something to eat. One day to another I was facing a really hard time, like many immigrants trying to survive in a foreign country. But this situation gave me many lessons on my life, and made the person that I am in the present. I totally believe that one of the most meaningful things in life is to feel independent and able to overcome any kind of problem by yourself. When I just arrived to this country, I was unable to speak any word in English. At first, almost everything was very difficu