The Daily Show’s “Challahfax vs. Halalifax,” portrays a current conflict between Israel and Palestine over a sacred territory, in which the two groups represented by the two correspondents John Oliver and Aasif Mandvi. By examining The Daily Show’s satire of a territorial argument in Middle East, we can see that Jon Stewart is stating that it is not matter what one group claims to own a sacred land over another, the Jews and the Muslims is never come to an agreement instead it ends with disaster for the Nova Scotians. During the beginning of this episode, John Oliver represented Israel proclaims that the promise land is owned by the Jews for the evidence is found, “A new religious scroll has been discovered that may hold the key to a lasting peace in the Middle East.” This basically tells other groups -in this case the Palestine- that Muslims should stop disputing Israel’s promise land. As John Oliver reads out the evidence which is the fake religious scroll, the audiences can certainly tell that it is just a form of satire when he mentions, “the real Jewish promise land is not the land of Judea and Samaria, but right here in Halifax, Canada.” Right away people might start laughing at this point, because why is it not the land of Judea and Samaria in Middle East but it is in Halifax, Canada. In addition, there are not so many people in the world believe that the Israel’s Biblical story is real; therefore, Jon Stewart satizes that the land can be any place like Halifax, Canada. For whatever others think, today Jewish people are still believed in that Biblical evidence which God said the land is them. On the other hand, Aasif Mandvi represented Palestine rejects John Oliver’s statements for he says that the land is really belong to Muslims. “According to the Koran, Halalifax contains the very lake where Mohammad first went ice fishing. He caught a bass this big!” Mandvi states his evidence. Moreover, he