Coal pollution in China is at a breaking point as cities and factories have literally suspended business in order for their citizens to be able to breathe clean air. China alone is responsible for 47% of the worlds coal emissions. People are not able to walk the streets without slowly killing themselves or obtain serious health defects. The pollution in China is 30-45 times higher than the safety standard with toxic thick clouds of smog and coal emissions grounding flights and forcing people to stay inside. For two weeks in Beijing was labeled " very unhealthy" and "hazardous" resulting in over 100 factories being shut down. China has the fastest growing coal market in the world because production cost and availability. Chinas coal production is affecting respiratory, cardiovascular health and is contributing to lung cancer. Every year there are hundreds of millions of sick day leaves and tens of thousands of kids and adults turning up with asthma and other lung related diseases. If China doesn't do anything about the coal problem their entire population could be at risk for catching lung diseases or dying cause of the air quality. Coal production in China which is seriously affecting the environment; human health which will persist till people take a stand against the big business's that allow this to go on. Coal is one of the most useful ways of creating energy but also one of the most harmful on the environment and is not healthy. Throughout history coal had been a primary way to produce energy, heat and many other of industrial purposes. Most of Chinas coal resources are located in the western and northern areas of China but the most of the plants and coal consumption is done in the southern and eastern. Chinas east coast is essentially never going to be the same again because of the amount of coal plants located there. China has the 2nd largest coal reserve in the world and also is one of the cheapest natural resources to use to c