Rita Dove, Pulitzer Prize winner, poet, and author, claims that we often “prefer” watching television more than we prefer “reality” because “the TV offers an easier tale to tell” in her article “Loose Ends” (816). Whenever someone is recapping last night’s episode of their favorite TV show to a friend or someone they know they often find themselves explaining it with such emotion, whether it be astonishment or anger at the way the events played out, this is most likely because that small screen offers a much more interesting plot development than what we perceive our everyday lives to be. Non-fiction writer and activist, Todd Gitlin, in his article “Super Saturation, or the Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling” adds that there is so much media surrounding people everywhere they go these days that it is difficult not to be sucked in by all of the images around us and makes it easier to prefer this alternate world that is only a few feet away. To support Dove’s statement, author of the “Plug-in Drug," Marie Winn, compares the “addiction” of television viewing to being “addicted” to a certain drug, because like certain drugs it can provide you with a different form of mental arousal (807-808). People who grew up after the invention of technology, which is a good majority of the people living today, don’t know a world in which televisions, radios, or telephones are not nearby, or at least know where one could be found. Gitlin compares today’s home decorations to that of famous painter Vermeer’s time to emphasize the infiltration of media and technology in homes (809-810). In the 1600’s not much changed in the homes, when Vermeer would paint a specific scene of someone’s home several times there were only minor changes to the scenery (Gitlin 809). Homes have definitely changed since then and continue changing constantly, Gitlin says that today, “Ninety-nine percent of [American] children live in homes with one or more TVs,” and similarly high percentages of other forms of media (812). Perhaps, this high number of television sets in the home is behind what Winn would describe as a “destructive addiction” that comes with television viewing (807). Every so often you can hear someone say they are “hooked” on a specific program on TV but it is not seen as a harmful habit and is simply laughed off (806). Winn argues that TV addiction has a lot