Reading the Deborah Brand, Sherman Alexie and John Paul Gee’s articles, I found it interesting that they all seem to have a different impact on the way I view literacy. Before reading the articles, I perceived literacy as just reading books and attending school. I was later able to view various events, people, and my environment as a whole and realize all of these particular things contributed to my own to learning and literacy development. This is something I’ve never thought about. Through all three articles Deborah Brandt’s “Sponsor of Literacy”, Sherman Alexie’s, “The Joy of Reading and Writing” and John Gee’s “Literacy ,Discourse and Linguistics , I have come to see how literacy is developed through culture. Brandt, Alexie and Gee, describes how an environment can form literacy in one’s life. My particular culture and family background have a huge influence on my reading and writing and speech development. I thought Deborah Brandt’s article “Sponsor of Literacy”, was interesting because in this article Brandt describes how in one’s environment there are many things that can influence our literacy. Brandt mentions in her text “Literacy like land is a value commodity in this economy, a key resource in gaining profit and edge” (p.336). This in particular reminded me of my mom words, when she talks to me about having opportunities and advantages being born here in America. Brandt explains how literacy affects everyone. This could be both in a positive or negative way. With literacy you “gain.” With Competence literacy a person is considered to have an advantage than those without an education. Powerful literacy skills are what help many people in society get forward in life. Literacy helps us become successful in the world. Those with more literacy skills tend to receive better careers and a decent income. In my literacy narrative I used my cousin in the example of having her first job and not being able to read or write, therefore she could not maintain her position as a secretary. This just proves Brandt is right about how enhancing one’s literacy can help a person