In 1914, July 28th the First World War broke out bringing in more military advancements making it easier to kill millions of men than ever before. World war one being the first world war also had many other firsts. Air warfare, Sea warfare, and Chemical warfare, were all firsts that made the traditional method where ‘lines of men take turns shooting each other’ un-usable. Although they were all methods making death easier they also brought upon new developments for commercial uses. WW1 was the first to be fought partially in the air due to advancements in Air warfare. Observation balloons were used in previous wars but they were only used for artillery spotting. The aviation industry was extremely slow up until WW1, when they were used for fighting purposes. The first winged aircraft was made by Sir George Cayley in 1804 and about a century later Samuel Langley made the first gas powered engine which was unmanned and flew for about half a mile.1 Only in 1903 was the first manned aircraft created by the Wright Brothers. Eleven years later WW1 broke out and mankind needed aircraft to fight, which is when the aircraft industry really took off. Faster and lighter aircraft were being produced, there were more air craft carriers in the ocean than ever before and by 1916 the U.S. navy made pilotless drones to fight their battles.2 1 ‘Airplane Timeline.’ N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June 2015. 2 ‘12 Technological Advancements of World War I.’ Mental Floss, n.d. Web. 2 June 2015. With all these air craft flying around there had to be some way of communication, but wired comm. lines were being tapped all the time and waving your hands frantically to signal pilots was rather unreliable due to miscommunication. Which is why wireless communication was able to send voices to airplanes in 1917 by the U.S. Army, to have a safer and more reliable communication system.3 Although these advancements in aviation were used to accelerate killing in the war