?As a matter of fact, United States is a nation. (John Breuilly 2011) It’s therefore a collection of states that sovereignty works inside. Hence what it means to be a major power is actually in terms of state power, which includes both economic and military power. The US, which has the significant amounts of economic and military power within the international system surely are referred as a major power in international politics. To be in decline as a major power, not only the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ power need to be in decline but also, the position that a major power holds in the global system need be replaced by other nations. In this way, the military power of the US is still very significant, even though the economic power may be up and down, as a whole political science experiment the US hasn’t experienced any failure; thus I think it is not in decline as a major power in relation to international politics. From the ‘hard’ power side, especially by considering the economic growth, by far the United States has contributed to the world’s largest economy. At the same time, the United States is the world’s third largest exporter of goods and services, which has the deepest capital markets. Not only that, the US also benefits from its currency as the dollar’s role has become the world’s primary reserve currency even with a large trade deficit. The United States holds for approximately 30 percent of world high-tech production; the great examples of this are the Apple Company and Microsoft Company. It also accounts of 20 percent of world gross domestic product as well as it is the largest importer around the world. However, the argument of the United States is in decline is drawing attention on its great deficit. There are about five major and great financial crises in the US’s history. Thus it brings the most critical attention and concerns to the United States’ economy include debt and the deficit. The US’s economic crisis has become more and more obvious enough to argue that this country starts in decline and other countries such as China and India will gradually take the control to become the economic leading power of the international system. But, I disagree. After all these crises, yes there are many negative influences brought to the United States; nevertheless there is no evidence that shows the US is failed to lead the global economy. Up till now, through all these setbacks, the United States continued its rise to major power status. It is quite clear to see that with the world's third-largest population, the United States still has a very high per capita income among the countries. Hence in my opinion, the United States is still in the leadership position of the global economy. No one can deny that the US has the almost strongest military power around the world. The United States accounts for 50 percent of global military spending and enjoys the largest world nuclear forces. With a well-developed high technology, the United Stated also holds the most advanced armed forces. Hence the United States has a strong ability to change the internal affairs of other nations through military threats. However, with many attacks of terrorists, it clouds the United States with the contribution of the frequent terrorism. Consequently people begin to question the level of security of this nation land, whereas the power of security also constitutes what it means to be a major power. The threats of terrorism are often posed by Islamic countries, and there is no doubt that even with nuclear proliferation these countries are not going to become the new world leader in the system. Thus as a major power, by focusing on military power, the United States is not in decline. Today, the emphasis of human rights and the great freedom of United States cause significant levels of debt and political polarization to this country. By far, the majority of the world’s top universities are sitting on this nation. Therefore, it provides advantages for the United States to remain well positioned in leading-edge areas of technology. Also, these great universities deliver a juicy knowledge and thor