My family is the most important human beings who have influenced on me. They are the most significant people in my life that helped me become the person I am today. I lived with my parents in a tiny, but cozy house. I have two siblings, and I am the youngest of them all. As a little kid I always dreamed of what my life would be, and how it would turn out. I had a vision of one day being married, and starting a family of my own. Although it was not easy, I made it, and here I am. My journey all these years was starting my family and creating my future. I grew up in a little town where there were not too many people, but it was just right. Life was very simple in Cuba, people were very friendly, and everyone knew each other. Every day was pretty much the same routine, I would go to school with my friends in the morning, and once school let out, off we went to play and wander around the neighborhood. Once it got dark, we knew it was time to head home for dinner. My family was very close, and we always made it a point to sit down together, and talk over dinner about everything from how our day went at school, to the trouble we got into wandering the neighborhood. I knew that this is exactly what I wanted my family to be like, and how I envisioned my life once I grew older. As the years passed, and I got older, life became a little tougher in Cuba since it was very hard for my parents to find food in the markets and companies was paying very low salary. My parents realized that they wanted something more, they dreamed of a better life, and knew that the only way they could achieve this was by coming to America. When I was 20 years old, my parents finally decided that it was time to come to United States. I was one of the luckier people that did not have to escape from Cuba in hiding; we actually came to America by plane. Together, we packed up as much as we could carry, and took off. We had begun our pursue for a better life. Finally, we