Throughout the course of history, the controversy over whether or not collegiate athletes should be paid has come about numerous times. There have been different sides to this question, the two main ones are in favor of them being paid and not in favor of them being people. Many people feel that these athletes are like professionals and deserved to be paid, but some believe that these athletes get to many perks as it is and shouldn’t be paid anything. Due to the fact that college athletes train and are treated very similar to professional athletes, they should get paid a salary separate from the scholarship they receive. Large amounts of money is made off of selling merchandise at college sporting events, with things such as jerseys and shirts with the players name on the back. This money is given to the school and goes towards the athletic program, but the players don’t see a dime of it. Many people believe that this is unfair due to the fact that their names are on the back of the shirt. “A group of former players has filed an antitrust lawsuit alleging that student athletes are entitled to some of the money the NCAA makes off of using their names and likenesses on merchandise such as jerseys and video games.” At the professional level, when something is sold that has your name on it such as a jersey, then that athlete will make a portion of the money from the sale. So why is a college athlete treated any different when it comes to the same type of situation? “Look at March Madness. Most of the guys are black, they’re coming from inner-city neighborhoods, and - in many cases - broken families with modest incomes,” he says. “CBS is going to pay the NCAA $800 million this year to broadcast the tournament, and the guys who are responsible for playing are getting ripped off. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves.” Another argument presented is that many of these athletes aren’t from wealthy families and struggle a lot