
Spiral of Silence - SNS and Reality

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This Research paper has written to examine the correlation between spiral of silence theory and SNS and this research found correlation in real life and on SNS by applying spiral of silence theory and tried to prove that spiral of silence affects not only in the real life but also on the SNS network. Brilliant German communication scholar Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann developed the Spiral of Silence theory to explain why people may be unwilling to express publicly their opinions when they believe they are in minority. Her analysis is based on her own observations of Germans during the Nazi regime in the 1930s and 1940s. it is also stipulates that individuals have a fear of isolation, which results from the idea that a social group or the society in general might isolate, neglect, or exclude members due to members` opinions (Wedel,1994). SNS is considering as a major tool of intercommunication in the technological integrated society and call also be called “prolongation of real life”. People communicate and share their various opinions by using SNS services with the convenient electronic devices in hands. Spiral of silence phenomenon are significantly indicated not only in the in-person communication but also SNS and mass media and research instances follow below to examine the spiral of silence phenomenon in SNS. Social Network Service (SNS) such as twitter, my space and Facebook opened a new community to share opinions to the people all over the world as the Internet is popularized to the public. And it also expected to establish a new concept of debate by freely expressing minors’ opinions in the fields such as politics (Lee,2009). However, According to Lee(2010), Research of 1,801 current SNS users resulted different outcome which is users are passive when opinions are containing the negative implication to the followers or friends in SNS. Also, this research can be analyze SNS is not a platform which breaks the spiral of silenc

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