
Electing and Appointing Judges

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The process of electing or appointing judges for the United States Supreme Court till this day is a questionable process. Although it has been going on for hundreds of years now, there is controversy towards it. There are many arguments that are for and many that are against the idea of whether we should have judges be appointed to a judgeship or instead have them be elected by the people of the united states. The appointment of the election of the judges should be based off of a person's ability to be a jurist, and their knowledge and their ability to conduct proper court cases and judgments. There are many benefits that come with the idea of having our supreme court judges be elected by the people instead of having them appointed. With having the judges elected by the voters, the judges are then made to be answerable to the people, or the voters who decide their fates on becoming judges or not. If a certain judge decides to make decisions that are out of line or not appealing towards what the people believe in, then the judge can be removed by the votes of the people. Another reason as to why election of these judges is a positive way of electing the judges instead of having them appointed is the fact that the public, or the voters, will have an impact on the final say in selecting the judges that make the court decisions. The public also have their own opinions on their public beliefs, and usually the community has similar public views. These public views will then be reflected upon the judges that will be elected by the people giving the people the power. On the other hand, others may believe that having the judges elected is a troublesome idea. A great amount of the people who would be voting for the judges do not at times do not understand the true facts and actions or beliefs a judge must commit to. People may not truly understand the judge's record or who the judge truly is. This makes it difficult for the voters because they

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