For the last twenty years, many people have been working harder and for a longer time that ever before. Therefore, it is very important for them to relax, to take holiday sometimes and do something that takes their minds off work. Nowadays, it is very hard to imagine person who does not have any things that he likes to do or hobbies. It can be something regular, such as walking around the city, doing sports or collecting something. Or something unusual like rock-climbing, paint-balling and so on. Meanwhile, collecting, probably, the most widely spread leisure activity in the world. The basic idea of collecting is pretty simple - all you have to do is bringing together things that connected with some ideas. There are several reasons why people become obsessed with collections. Firstly, it is very interesting way to spend your time and sometimes money on collecting things and those feeling when you finally get the full set of it is unbelievable. However, scientists believe that people have a tendency to collect smth because it lies in our genes. Many centuries ago, prehistoric people got all they needed. They collected food, primitive tools, and other essential things from nature. Psychologists also think that propulsion for people to collect is necessity to have `an object of desire`. Besides, people could collect everything they want. It differ from something they can get at every corner shop, sweet wrapper or Panini sticker for example to very expensive and rare art object such as paintings or sculptures that you can get only from museum or private collections. But between these extremes are some intermediate things to collect. For example different button budgets, Barbie dolls, antique postcards that usually are not sold in regular shops but on car boot sales. Car boot sales are a form of market in which private individuals come together to sell households and garden goods. It is very popular in UK, and is becoming more and more pop