
Beards - The Art of Manliness

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Since the beginning of time, a man’s beard has been a symbol of honor, sexual virility and social status. There is nothing more manly in this world than a nice, thick, straggly beard on a man’s face. Only the manliest men have them. A beard is what distinguishes you from a woman. When you’re out there in the cold, harsh world doing manly jobs such as hunting, fishing or lumber jacking, it’s the beard that’s going to keep your face warm and toasty. Why not take advantage of that? If you are clean shaven, you might as well be of the opposite sex. I am preaching the growth of beards because I cannot cultivate one. I can only develop a mustache and a few thin hairs on my chin. Do you know who has a sick beard? Chuck Norris, that guy’s a badass. As we grow older, we also get wiser and with wisdom comes the wisdom that beards are awesome and “why the fuck are we shaving our faces?” If you still are completely convinced about growing facial hair, here’s what I say to you, women finds men with beards sexy. Isn’t impressing the ladies what life is all about? Women don’t want to kiss a little boy; they want a big, gruff man. Beards are also a representation of a blue collar worker, the type of man that works hard all day, the type of man that thrives. But in my opinion, there are two types of men and the type of men that are lazy will also benefit from growing a beard. The gift of not having to shave in the morning will give you and your sexy beard an extra 10-20 minutes, allowing you to sleep in or do some other manly things. You know who else had a remarkable chin curtain? Abraham Lincoln! His beard granted him the power to free the slaves. During November, men all around the world will grow their facial hair to show support for prostate cancer. Men that can grow beards should, because people like me that cannot and I would I like to. If you can fully grow a beard, and you choose not to, then you are missing out on th

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