During this experience I have learned about the many consequences for not driving safe. I have learned that it is extremely dangerous to speed and that there will be consequences, sometimes they are minor like, getting a ticket, and sometimes they are major, like killing someone. It does not matter the consequence, you should not be speeding in the first place. Speeding is extremely dangerous and it can cost a lot. It can cost an innocent person’s life and it can cost a fortune. No matter what happens, there is no excuse for speeding. There is never an excuse to speed. Only in emergencies and you should have on your emergency lights to avoid trouble. Many people forget what they are doing; however that should never happen. When you are driving you should always be aware of your surroundings and you should be alert at all times and ready for anything to happen. I have learned in this experience that speeding is not something to toss to the side and worry about it when you actually get caught or when something terrible happens. It is not worth losing your license or money or even someone’s life. There is no excuse in speeding and it is no ones fault except your own. I am very disappointed in myself because I have been raised to follow the rules and always do the right thing, and I was taught to always drive safe and do not go fast. I think that the punishment I received was reasonable and I understand actually how bad speeding can be. My punishment consisted of me being grounded and not being able to drive anywhere, excluding work and school. On top of that writing an essay, this experience was very educational and it taught me a lot. I am very lucky that I did not get my license suspended or any points added to it. I will definitely be more careful and always slow down and consider the speed limit and follow it. I understand that it is there for a reason and to keep me safe. I know now that speeding is a large rule and that every