My two chosen news programs are BBC 6 o’clock news and Souresfed news. I picked these two news programs because I thought that they would give good juxtaposition to each other and show the range of news programs out there. BBC news is a world respected news organisation that reports on world events. They are very formal in their presentation, they try to make it as clear cut as possible. On the other end of the scale is Souresfed news. Souresfed is a YouTube channel that reports on world events and pop culture. They are very in formal, normally trying to present with comedy. Assignment 1A News Presenters The first thing that you notes when watching a news program is the presenters. The presenters tell a lot about a program there gender, ethnicity, class even the way the dress. When we first we the presenter for the bbc we see them there are two presenters one man and one women they have a man and a women to show balance in the work place to appeal to a wide range of views they are . If you look at what they wear its suits and ties for the men and the women wear suits or very smart dresses. This if to reflect the integrity and seriousness of the show. If you look at souresfed presenters they perfectly represent the show they work on. They are young energetic comedians and appeal to the souresfed audience who are 15 to 25 year olds. They wear trendy colourful clothes to relate to their audience. The presenters are multi-ethnic so the show can appeal to as many different people as possible. Mode of Address An important thing when it comes to news presenting in “Mode of address”. The mode of address is the way that the presenter communicates with the audience. For a news show like bbc it is very formal and one sided the presenters are there to talk and the audience are there to listen. Whereas Souresfed is informal more like friends talking to each other. The viewers can even ask the presenters questions in the co